The Stars Of Tomorrow!

The Stars Of Tomorrow!


A very warm welcome to Grade 5B's class on the web!
We hope you enjoy your visit. This site has been designed to help keep families updated on our accomplishments throughout the year, as well as share important information about our classroom. We love to hear from our visitors, so it would be great if you would leave comments. If you have questions or you need to contact me, please email me at
Be sure to check in often as we will try to update it weekly.

Thursday 18 December 2008

Fine Arts Performance

Fantastic job last night, everybody!

The Fine Arts performance was wonderful - it was a really great way to end the year.

Well done to everyone - you sang your hearts out, and played your instruments with confidence and real talent. I'm so proud of you!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Friday 12 December 2008

Holiday Sing-Along Success!

Well done to all the lower school students at today's Holiday Sing A Long.

In my completely unbiased opinion, I thought the Grade 4/5 choir was the best! I took a video of you so will try to upload it onto this post this weekend.

Today's assembly was a great way to get into the Holiday spirit. We even had a wonderful surprise visit from Santa (a la Mr Duncan!) who helped give out yummy treats from our school's PAFA. Thanks parents!

Merry Christmas to everyone!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

December Newsletter

Dear Parents,
Only one week to go before we all have a very well deserved rest. The students have been busily finishing up a variety of projects and assignments. Allow me to share what your children have been doing these past few weeks!

Language Arts
Our major focus this past month has been to examine Children’s stories: looking at the various elements that make up a story; what makes the stories successful; author techniques; and illustrative skills to name a few. We attempted to write our own short Thanksgiving Stories using repetition in our writing. These were incredibly successful and the students had a wonderful morning sharing their books with each other. They are currently on display in our classroom, but when they get sent home, please take the time to look at them – they are very honest and uplifting little books.
Our next task has been to examine picture books and after a very inspiring ‘Visit with An Author’, (thanks to Corien Oranje,) the students have been busy creating and designing children’s large picture books that are based around the theme of endangered animals (linking in with the work we have been doing in science).

In reading, students have been continuing with their work on monitoring comprehension and merging their thinking, working with a whole array of non-fiction texts, examining their features and purpose. The students have also, of course, been reading and evaluating children’s books and continue with their independent reading at home and in the classroom.

In Math, we have come to the end of our Data & Graphing unit. Students have learned how to choose reasonable scales and intervals to show data and have learned how to make and read a variety of graphs, such as: line graphs, circle graphs, bar graphs, histograms and stem & leaf plots. All the students have shown expertise in this unit - it has been most encouraging, as this can sometimes be a difficult unit to grasp.
We will be starting our next unit, ‘Multiplying Whole Numbers & Decimals’ when we return after our Christmas vacation.

Students have come to the end of their Life Science Unit, which looked at ecosystems, biomes, endangerment and extinction and environmental issues. Students produced some excellent endangered animal poster projects and biome mobiles and are currently competing in groups to create the cheapest, environmentally-friendly road system in a ‘Rainbow Bay’ simulation.

Fun & Special Events
The classroom looks amazing at the moment – it is full of the beautiful display work the students have produced this month as well as ‘the Christmas Spirit! The students helped to decorate the Christmas tree I brought in for them to enjoy and every morning we have sung Christmas carols in preparation for our Holiday Sing-along Assembly. Students have also been busy searching through their toys at home to bring in gifts for children less fortunate than themselves.
Starting Monday 15th, our class begins our ‘Secret Santa’ – each day we will be receiving clues from our Secret Santa as to their identity and then On Friday 19th, at a gift giving, they will be revealed! How exciting!

Events to look forward to:
December 12th - Holiday Sing-along Assembly 10am
December 17th - Fine arts Evening 7pm
December 19th – Whole School House Aquatic Festival
December 19th –Half day: school finishes at 11.30pm for Christmas Vacation
January 12th – School resumes

The students have accomplished so much during this first half of the year – I am so proud of each and every one. And I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all of you parents for supporting and encouraging your children to be the best they can be.

I hope all of you have a wonderful and relaxing Christmas, and look forward to seeing you all again in the New Year! For those of planning to travel this holiday, I wish you safe and pleasant journeys.

Kind regards,

Kathryn Beck
Grade 5B Teacher

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 9 December 2008

Sssshhhh... It's A Secret!

Secret Santa

On Friday, 5B students will draw out another student's name (or Mrs Beck's name) from the class. This means that they will be that person's Secret Santa.

The fun starts on Monday 15th December.
Each day the Santas will secretly leave a clue for their ‘child’.
On Friday, they will place a gift for their ‘child’ under the Christmas tree up to the value of 20,000 RP.
On Friday morning, we will all sit on the carpet, try to guess who our Santas are and then receive the gifts.

Instructions for 5B
On Monday: Leave a difficult clue as to who you are and perhaps a candy or chocolate etc for your ‘child’ to enjoy.
On Tuesday: Leave a slightly easier clue and a candy/chocolate.
On Wednesday: Leave an easier clue and a candy/chocolate.
On Thursday: Leave an easier clue and a candy/chocolate.
On Friday: Leave a wrapped and gift tagged present under the tree.

Your clues could be funny, could be rhymes, jokes, puzzles, crosswords, word searches, fun riddles etc that give a hint about who you are. Each day they might get easier or every day another part of the puzzle is solved so that at least by the end of the week, your child has an idea who you could be.
i.e.: Rose are red, violets are blue, my name has the letter b in it, and the letter K too.

You will have to think of inventive ways of leaving your clues for your ‘child’ to find. They must not see you leaving the clues or it will spoil the fun.
You should not tell anyone in the class or another class who you are Secret Santa to.
Have fun!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Thursday 4 December 2008

Visit With An Author A Complete Success!

5B and 5R were truly privileged today to have had a visit from famous Dutch children's author, Corien Oranje.

Mrs. Oranje, suitcase in hand carrying a whole array of writing tips in the form of objects, presented us with an inspiring and engaging workshop, telling us about her life as an author. She wowed us with some of the premises of the stories she'd written, about the writing and editing process, how she comes up with ideas, and what it’s like to be an author.

We were all fascinated with her real-life experiences, like her visits to prisons and disaster areas (Aceh after the Tsunami) and how she uses simple devices like newspaper articles to get ideas for amazing stories. She did such a great job at explaining where and how she gets her inspiration for her stories and she was definitely able to provide valuable inspiration for the students, as not only did they line up for autographs, they talked enthusiastically about children's stories for much of the day after her visit. We hope Mrs Oranje might be able to come back and work with us again soon.

Thank you, Corien Oranje! Your visit was absolutely thrilling - the children enjoyed your visit so much. Even I am now inspired to go away and write a book myself! (If only I could find some time!)

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Monday 1 December 2008

Awards Ceremony

Attached are some photos of all our amazing 5B students who won awards last Friday. Congratulations to each and every one of you. I'm so proud of you all.
And if you didn't make it this time, push yourself a little harder and you WILL be successful. Either way, I can honestly say that I think you are all stars.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Weekly Preview Dec 1st - Dec 5th

Weekly Preview
Week beginning December 1st
Chapter 8: Make Graphs
· Choose a Reasonable Scale
· Make graphs
· Graph ordered pairs
· Make line graphs + histograms
· Choose the appropriate graph
Assessment Chapter 8

Heinemann Activate & Connect
Merge Your thinking With New Learning
Read and think about new information

Group reading – children’s story books

Kindergarten Buddies
Students to read to Kindergarten students once per week.

Vocabulary & Spelling
Biome Vocabulary

Language and Usage
· Singular possessive nouns
· Plural possessive nouns

Writing Children’s Stories
Writing linking in with Biome Narrative and Christmas theme - A Day in the Life of an Animal to include: habitat, food chain, niche, climate in easy language.

Visit from a children’s author - Corien Mak

Rainbow Bay

Groups compete to create the cheapest, environmentally-friendly road system
· Form groups & assign roles
· Design roadway system
· Elect common council members
· Biodiversity: Everything counts

Fun & Special Events
Decorate the Christmas Tree
Decorate the classroom in Holiday style!
Rehearse for the Holiday Singalong on the 12th
Rehearse for the Fine arts Evening on the 17th

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Thank you!

Just to say thank you for all the truly lovely birthday wishes and gifts you sent yesterday for me.
I had a wonderful day and feel so blessed to be teaching each one of you and so thankful that you have such supportive and kind-hearted parents.

It's always a double celebration this time of year for me, as it is also Thanksgiving - a great excuse to have friends and family around for a wonderful meal. 5B students wrote some very special short books telling people what they are thankful for.
These look great on display, don't you think?!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Friday 21 November 2008

Book Donation Wish

Classroom Wish Letter from Mrs. Beck to the Parents of 5B

Dear Parents,

As you know, ‘Our Book Club’ is coming to our school from Monday to Thursday next week. I hope that you will be able to support your child’s growing ability to read for pleasure. A home filled with books is one of the best ways to support your child's growing ability to read, and to succeed at school.

I have been working hard with 5B students on making sure they find books to read that are reading level appropriate and that will infuse in them a passion to read independently. This is so that they that they begin to find reading an enjoyable pastime, rather than a chore.

One of my goals this year has also been to develop and extend our class library, as although we have some good novels, we do need a greater variety.

The Book Fair offers an easy way to make a contribution directly to our classroom. The catalogue shows a whole range of books that I think will add greatly to student knowledge and enrich our classroom library.
When you look at the book club order sheet, please consider purchasing an extra book and donating it to our classroom. These donated books will become a permanent part of the Grade 5 classroom library that will benefit students today and for years to come.

Every gift will be recognized with an insert on the front page identifying your family or child as the donor. Your generosity can make our classroom more exciting and stimulating to young minds.

Alternatively (or additionally!), any used books that you have at home that you'd like to donate as you feel they would be of value to the classroom library, please feel free to drop them in - the more books of a variety of age levels and genres the better!

Kind Regards,
Kathryn Beck

Thank you so much for your support, as always,
“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Kindergarten Buddies

Above are a few pictures of 5B students reading storybooks to their new Kindergarten and Grade 1 'buddies'! Today was our first day of this new venture and I have to say that I was so impressed by our class! 5B students were so kind and patient and they really managed to engage the 'little ones' into the stories.
Future teachers in the making!
Well done!
“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Explorer Presentations

As our last Social Studies project of the term, students were asked to thoroughly research a famous explorer and produce an oral presentation on their explorer.
Yesterday, we were 'wow'ed by The Mighty Sharkfins with knowledge about Roald Amundsen (who explored the Antarctic) and The World Conquerors produced an engaging presentation on Marco Polo's amazing adventures.
Today, we were taken into space by the US Marine Adventurers who were entertaining us with tales from Neil Armstrong's life and his successful mission as the crew to land on the moon.

The students not only showed pictures and photographs, they also dressed up to give us more of a 'feel' about their explorers.
Well done, 5B! A great way to end the 'Caravans' project.

Winning teams will be announced very soon.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Welcome Da Sol!

A very warm welcome to our new student, Da Sol Lee, who joins us from Korea. He has spent much of his life in Korea, but has also lived overseas in Moscow, Russia.

We hope you settle in quickly into the NJIS routine and are so glad that you are part of our class!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Friday 14 November 2008

5B Students Wow Audiences in 'Cinderella'

The LS Drama Exploratory put on a great show for all of us at this morning's assembly.

A HUGE well done has to go to Gaby & Hee Won, our class Drama stars for their fantastic performances in today's 'Cinderella'. You both did so well and looked great up there - who knows, one day you might be up for an Oscar!

Gaby played a perfectly sweet little dancing mouse and Hee Won, as Prince Charming had the audience in stitches in his opening scene as he threw away, in disgust, pictures of the female members of staff!
We are all very proud of you.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Wednesday 12 November 2008

UN Day at NJIS

Attached above is a photo from our UN day performance last week. 5B did so brilliantly with their performance of 'Free To Be Me & You' by The New Seekers. The lyrics from the song were used in our class novel 'Bridge To Terabithia' and as it is a song about freedom and diversity, we thought it would be great to sing for UN day.
It was truly a whole class effort, and what an amazingly talented group of musicians and singers we have! Below is a link to a video of their performance that Joel & Lennart's mum took and put on YouTube for us. Well done guys, you sounded great!!
After a second performance for the school, we were all treated to a fabulous International Food Fair in the gym by our wonderful parents. I don't think I've eaten quite so much and of such a variety in a very long time! Look at the colours below of some of the food on offer - it looks like a piece of art!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

Weekly Preview 10th November 2008

Week Beginning: November 10th 2008

Unit: Monitoring Comprehension
- Read, Write & talk – thinking your way through a text
Using an article entitled ‘A Focus On Girl’s Education’ from Time For Kids. This is an article about the disparity between girls’ and boys’ education dealing with fairness & inequality. This has been chosen so that the students will have many thoughts and opinions on the matter and will hopefully spur lively conversation.
- Using a variety of reading texts to practice the skill of purposefully talking and writing about what they have read.

Writing Techniques
- Continue newspaper article skills and working on IT skills using ‘Publisher’.
- Nouns
- Single and plural nouns
- Singular possessive nouns
Plural possessive nouns

Unit 2: Algebra, Data & Graphing
- Write & Evaluate Expressions
- Order of Operations
- Functions

Social Studies
World Geography
- Continue to close up ‘Caravans’ Unit

- How Do Organisms Compete & Survive in an Ecosystem?
- Investigate how body colour helps animals survive using M&M experiment.
- Learn about the ways in which organisms compete.
- What is Extinction & What are its Causes?
- Investigate Vanishing Habitats
- Learn About Extinction & its Causes

- Science Words

Fun / Social
LS Drama play on Friday
- help make set, props and costumes.

November Newsletter

November Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Wow! Hasn’t time flown by? It’s hard to believe we are actually coming to the end of Trimester 1 and soon enough, Christmas holidays will be upon us! As we enter Trimester 2, we are still knee-deep in many units, but all are ending with exciting projects.

Before I tell you about what 5B are studying, I want to say thanks for all you do to help each of your children be successful and confident as they learn. Enjoy reading the report cards you will be receiving at the end of this week!


We are currently deep within our Algebra unit. Students are getting so confident with their skills – ever since they learned the order of operations and a nifty 3-step process of solving equations and making sure that the terms are equal on both sides, 5B have been having real fun solving the complex problems. Well done, 5B!
The next math lessons will be on data and graphing which will just about wrap-up Unit 2. Graphing can be challenging for students - daily practice is definitely encouraged! In our next unit, we will sharpen our multiplying skills of whole and decimal numbers.


A couple of weeks ago, we began our study of Biomes and ecosystems, and the students are doing an excellent job. This past week, students have learned how energy flows through ecosystems and are currently learning all about adaptations and how body colour helps organisms survive (or not) in their environment! We will be doing a fun investigation with M&M’s (yay for chocolate!) to test our hypothesis.
The next few lessons will be devoted to learning about extinction and its causes and endangered species. I am hoping that we will be able to adopt some endangered animals or help save some conservation land as a class. If you are interested in finding out more, there is a wonderful website:
The children will also learning about biomes and will be involved in developing a Biome Mobile to reflect their understanding of a particular biome.

Rainbow Bay
Our study of Biomes will culminate and we will end it with a fun, challenging simulation called Rainbow Bay. Students work in groups to build a network of roads in the fictitious community of Rainbow Bay. As mayor, I will evaluate each group’s plan based on cost and environmental responsibility. This unit is always very popular with students as they have the opportunity to show what they have learned in Science in a meaningful, hands-on way. Our next unit will be Atoms & Matter which will involve many experiments in the science lab, tests and a major culminating project.

Social Studies
We are now into the last week of our ‘Caravans’ simulation – which team will win is anybody’s guess as thanks to the daily fate cards, the number of points and gold coin amounts can quickly change.
The next unit we will start in the new year. This will take a close look at culture through our investigation of India, Gandhi and Civil Rights. We will investigate how India’s physical geography as well as its cultural history contributed to the idea of civil rights around the world.

Language Arts

Inspired by Halloween stories, 5B students are currently learning how to write news reports and creating newsletters that show their journalistic skills. They have really worked hard at drafting and editing their ‘spooky’ reports and I hope that we can publish their efforts on our class website.

Each week we review and consolidate grammar techniques. Students have worked hard this month so far at sentence construction, types of sentences, and proper and common nouns. This regular drilling of skills is sure to aid the children’s writing.

In reading, we are starting a new monitoring comprehension unit whereby the students are taught to listen to their inner voices when reading and to use fix-up strategies to check their comprehension, to name just a few skills. Through this program, students will be introduced to a whole variety of different genre.

We have also been working hard at choosing level-appropriate reading books and I have spent time in reading conferences with individual students, assessing their reading skills and helping the students set targets.

We will be working on a special reading assessment programme starting from next trimester and this will greatly aid the students in understanding their weaknesses and strengths and hopefully empower them to read more and learn to love reading

And that's it for now! Thank you again for all your wonderful support of the amazing students we have in 5B!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 4 November 2008

Imaginary Country Maps

We are just about coming to the end of our first Social Studies Unit - 'World Geography'.
As a culminating activity, 5B have spent the past couple of weeks designing their own small imaginary countries, in order to demonstrate the knowledge that they have learned.

Students had to show the name, the longitude and latitude of their countries, the climate and landscape, the cities and towns, as well as include physical features such as rivers, lakes, bays, gulfs, volcanoes, mountains, rain forests. Students also included road systems, residential areas, airports, shopping complexes and other important human features of their country.

Once their designs on paper had been finalised, groups chose one map to create in 3D using clay.
The students all enjoyed going back in time to their kindergarten days when playdoh and clay were used on a daily basis!
The 3D maps that they have almost completed are looking great.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Monday 3 November 2008

Weekly Preview November 3rd 2008

Week Beginning: November 3rd 2008

Unit: Monitoring Comprehension
- Read, Write & talk – thinking your way through a text
- Using an article entitled ‘A Focus On Girl’s Education’ from Time For Kids. This is an article about the disparity between girls’ and boys’ education dealing with fairness & inequality. This has been chosen so that the students will have many thoughts and opinions on the matter and will hopefully spur lively conversation.
- Using a variety of reading texts to practice the skill of purposefully talking and writing about what they have read.

Writing Techniques
- Writing a persuasive/opinion essay
- Nouns
- Common & Proper
- Writing with Nouns

Unit 2: Algebra, Data & Graphing
- Use Addition Properties
- Problem Solving Skill – Using A Formula
- Chapter Test – (Algebra – Using Addition)

Social Studies
World Geography
- Display Clay Imaginary Maps
- Continue to close up ‘Caravans’ Unit

- Watch a DVD on Ecosystems
How Do Organisms Compete & Survive in an Ecosystem?
- Investigate how body colour helps animals survive

- Carry out an experiment using M&Ms
- Learn about the ways in which organisms compete.
What is Extinction & What are its Causes?
- Investigate Vanishing Habitats
- Learn About Extinction & its Causes

- Science Words

Fun / Social
‘Free To Be You & Me’ Song
- Practice for our UN Day performance on November 5th

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Friday 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween at school - everyone did a fantastic job at getting dressed up in costume and performed so well at assembly - 5B had an attack of the nerves a little bit, but everyone was so impressed with how the class had learned all the lines and kept within the beat! Well done, 5B!
The haunted house that the High school put on was brilliant and although it was too much for some of 5B, I think it's safe to say we were all feeling the Halloween vibe by the end of it!
Have a great Halloween weekend!

Monday 27 October 2008

Week beginning October 27th

A Preview of the Week
Here is a weekly preview of what we are studying during the week!

Week Beginning: October 27th 2008


Unit: Monitoring Comprehension
Noticing when you lose your way – monitoring your inner voice to focus your thinking.
- Using an article entitled ‘Stealing Beauty’ by Hannah Beech. This is a piece of adult text to show how we can go back to repair comprehension and refocus our thinking.
- Using a variety of reading texts to practice the skill of puzzling through text in order to understand our reading.

Using level-appropriate novels to enjoy reading.

Writing Techniques - Newspaper Articles – How to write a successful article.
Grammar/Usage - Nouns, Singular & Plural Nouns, Singular Possessive Nouns
Plural Possessive Nouns


Unit 2: Algebra, Data & Graphing
- Expressions & variables
- Write Equations
- Solve Equations

Social Studies
World Geography

- Continue challenges in ‘Caravans’
- Complete Caravan’s unit with a ‘Mapping Of an Imaginary Country’ clay model.


How Living Things Interact
- How Does Energy Flow Through an Ecosystem?
- Investigate what eats what in ecosystems
- Learn about how energy is transferred in an ecosystem

Science Words

Fun / Social
- Pumpkin Carving for our assembly on Friday.
- Halloween Witch Hip Hop Rap - Practice for our assembly on Friday
- ‘Free To Be You & Me’ Song - Practice for our UN Day performance on November 5th

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Sunday 26 October 2008

October Party Pics!

We all had a great day on Friday as we celebrated all the October Birthdays.

We sang, ate, then ate again and ate some more, and we played a balloon game where you had to pop a balloon and then do the task that was hidden inside! (We had chickens clucking and monkeys jumping around the room, silly songs sung, ugly faces pulled and some pretty good disco divas!)

A big thank you all the parents who sent in yummy food and drink and especially to Mrs. Dadlani (David's Mum), Mrs. Mak (Joel, Justin & Lennart's Mum) and Mrs. Riley (Jaya's Mum) for staying to help celebrate and then clean up!

A good time was had by all!
We missed you Jin Hee, but celebrated for you, in your absence! Hope you're feeling better.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown