The Stars Of Tomorrow!

The Stars Of Tomorrow!


A very warm welcome to Grade 5B's class on the web!
We hope you enjoy your visit. This site has been designed to help keep families updated on our accomplishments throughout the year, as well as share important information about our classroom. We love to hear from our visitors, so it would be great if you would leave comments. If you have questions or you need to contact me, please email me at
Be sure to check in often as we will try to update it weekly.

Friday 31 October 2008

Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween at school - everyone did a fantastic job at getting dressed up in costume and performed so well at assembly - 5B had an attack of the nerves a little bit, but everyone was so impressed with how the class had learned all the lines and kept within the beat! Well done, 5B!
The haunted house that the High school put on was brilliant and although it was too much for some of 5B, I think it's safe to say we were all feeling the Halloween vibe by the end of it!
Have a great Halloween weekend!

Monday 27 October 2008

Week beginning October 27th

A Preview of the Week
Here is a weekly preview of what we are studying during the week!

Week Beginning: October 27th 2008


Unit: Monitoring Comprehension
Noticing when you lose your way – monitoring your inner voice to focus your thinking.
- Using an article entitled ‘Stealing Beauty’ by Hannah Beech. This is a piece of adult text to show how we can go back to repair comprehension and refocus our thinking.
- Using a variety of reading texts to practice the skill of puzzling through text in order to understand our reading.

Using level-appropriate novels to enjoy reading.

Writing Techniques - Newspaper Articles – How to write a successful article.
Grammar/Usage - Nouns, Singular & Plural Nouns, Singular Possessive Nouns
Plural Possessive Nouns


Unit 2: Algebra, Data & Graphing
- Expressions & variables
- Write Equations
- Solve Equations

Social Studies
World Geography

- Continue challenges in ‘Caravans’
- Complete Caravan’s unit with a ‘Mapping Of an Imaginary Country’ clay model.


How Living Things Interact
- How Does Energy Flow Through an Ecosystem?
- Investigate what eats what in ecosystems
- Learn about how energy is transferred in an ecosystem

Science Words

Fun / Social
- Pumpkin Carving for our assembly on Friday.
- Halloween Witch Hip Hop Rap - Practice for our assembly on Friday
- ‘Free To Be You & Me’ Song - Practice for our UN Day performance on November 5th

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Sunday 26 October 2008

October Party Pics!

We all had a great day on Friday as we celebrated all the October Birthdays.

We sang, ate, then ate again and ate some more, and we played a balloon game where you had to pop a balloon and then do the task that was hidden inside! (We had chickens clucking and monkeys jumping around the room, silly songs sung, ugly faces pulled and some pretty good disco divas!)

A big thank you all the parents who sent in yummy food and drink and especially to Mrs. Dadlani (David's Mum), Mrs. Mak (Joel, Justin & Lennart's Mum) and Mrs. Riley (Jaya's Mum) for staying to help celebrate and then clean up!

A good time was had by all!
We missed you Jin Hee, but celebrated for you, in your absence! Hope you're feeling better.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 21 October 2008

First Science Lesson Of The Year!

What an exciting afternoon we had today - it was our first Science lesson of the year and we got straight 'out there' into the world, predicting, observing and recording rather than reading 'all about it' from a text book!

Our first unit of study is 'How Living Things Interact' and to start it all off, we'll be understanding what ecosystems are all about.

Today, students learned that the word 'organism' means 'a living thing' and brainstormed all the organisms they could think of. Then, we learned that an 'ecosystem' is anywhere where organisms can live and interact with each other, so we predicted what kinds of ecosystems we would find around our school.
Then, in small groups, armed with bug collectors, sample jars, magnifying glasses, string, crisps (to be used to lure and observe life), sketch paper, pencils and note books, we marched on outside and started exploring!
Squeals of delight could be heard all around the school as students found ants and caterpillars and butterflies and birds and giant snails and other evidence of life interacting.
Although we only had a short amount of time, it was amazing just how much we found.
So, if you fancy yourself as a scientist and are out for the day, why not choose some of these 'safari' tasks and discover an amazing array of ecosystems underneath (or above) your very nose?!
Safari Tasks
A. Look for signs of animals: tracks, homes, evidence of eating, fecal deposits, pathways. What do these signs tell you about who lives here?
B. Look for signs of who eats whom/what. Try to determine the food chain in which this animal exists. Do the animals you have discovered live off of nature or human intrusions (garbage, gardens, pet food, etc.)?
C. Do you see any animal homes in human-built structures?
D. Do you see any plants growing on man-made structures?
E. Be a bird-watcher: Where do you see them? What do they seem to be doing? What do they look like (color, shape)? Can you identify any of them? (Common city birds are crows, sparrows, finches, mockingbirds, jays, starlings, pigeons.) How many of each species do you see?
F. Compare the "wildlife" to human-influenced life: what plants are growing wild, or planted by people? Are there any wild animals? Are there any domestic animals?
G. Be an ant-watcher: Where do you see them? What are they doing? Do you observe any division of labor going on? Can you influence their behavior by scattering food particles?
H. What do you see that is reflective of human impact? Do you see any harms or benefits from that impact?
I. Lift a rock, move a twig, turn over a leaf. What do you see? (Be sure you put what you moved back the way you found it.)
J. Walk along a five to ten foot space. (You can bring along a 5 or 10 ft. length of string.) List all the different species of plant you see. If you don't know their names, just count them. Now do the same for all the animals that are there. (This technique is called walking a transect.)
K. Use your sense of smell. What is the dominant smell in the area? What is it caused by? Is it natural or man-made?
L. Pick one plant or animal at your level to examine as thoroughly as you can. If it is an insect, you can put it in the bug box, but be sure to put it back when you are finished observing it. Sketch or photograph it. Why did you pick this item?
M. Find a texture that is: (Identify the ones you find.)
hard__________ soft__________ sticky__________ prickly__________
furry__________ rough__________ smooth__________ slippery__________
N. Close your eyes. Listen to the sounds around you. Which one do you notice most? Why? Is it a sound from nature, or man's creation? If you have a tape recorder, record for a while. Play it back and see if what you focused on was what the tape recorder picked up.
Taken from 'Urban Science:Living Ecosystems' Science project
by Patricia Dung, UCLA Science Project
Co-DirectorEsther Zack, UCLA Science Project Facilitato

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Sunday 19 October 2008

Birthday Party 24th October

On Friday 24th October, 5R and 5B will be celebrating all the Grade 5 October birthdays' in one big party during lunchtime in 5B's classroom.
(David, Jin Hee, Hee Won, Joel, Lennart, Justin, Jaya)
There'll be some pizza, crisps, drinks, cake and other goodies to enjoy!
A big thank you to the parents of the birthday guys and gals for providing the food and drink!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Thursday 16 October 2008

ISA Tests are Over!

Yay! Well done everyone - you all worked so hard. No one likes doing tests, and you were all such troopers.
Now back to reality! We're all back to normal days once again tomorrow.
A big thank you to all the parents who came to see me over the past few days at the parent conferences - it was so good to meet up with you and I do value all the support and encouragement you have for our class.

Some reminders for 5B
Don't forget that on Monday you will all be showing your country PowerPoint presentations in the theatre, so bring your USB's with your slide shows on them! I can't wait to see them - you have all worked really hard on them, so they will be great!

You will also need to prepare for your weekly oral Caravan presentations over the weekend.

Okay! Happy Friday!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Happy Birthday, Jaya!

Jaya is 11 today!
Happy, happy birthday, Jaya!
Hope you have a wonderful day (even with all the testing) and we hope that the year ahead has great things in store for you.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Best Of Luck!

Just sending all of you wonderful 5B students many, many, many good luck vibes for tomorrow and Thursday on your ISA tests.
Just do your best. And if you're in need of words of wisdom, remember my favourite quote below!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Friday 10 October 2008

Triple Birthday Wishes!!

Happy, happy, happy birthday to the three birthday boys: Hee Won, Joel & Lennart!

Here's hoping your day is a wonderful one and that the year to come has many wonderful adventures in store for you!

Sorry I could not be there to share your special day at school today. I was busy at a teacher's conference learning some great new teaching strategies to try out on you all!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Wednesday 8 October 2008

Important Events & Updates - Archives

Welcome back after our long Easter weekend. I hope that those of you who celebrate Easter had a wonderful time with your friends and families.

Important Dates
April 9th - Election Day - No School
April 10th - Good Friday - No School
April 12th - Easter SundayApril 13th - Back to School
April 13th – 17th International Language Week.
April 13th – French Day
April 14th - Multi-Cultural Food Bazaar
April 15th – Chinese Day & Cultural Performance
April 17th – Indonesian Day - Multicultural Assembly 7.45am
April 17-19 - Bali IISSAC Swimming & X CountryApril 20th - Earth Week
April 22nd - Earth Day Scool-Wide Assembly
April 24th - Grade 3P Assembly

Don't forget - May 1st is 5B's Class Assembly! Woo Hoo!

I hope you all had a wonderful long weekend last weekend. We started Trimester 3 this week and students are busy getting started with lots of new units. Only two more weeks till our next holiday! Yay!

Important Dates
Mon March 9th - National Holiday - NO SCHOOL!

Tues March 10th - Trimester 3 starts
Wed March 13th - Report Cards IssuedLS Awards AssemblyNewsletter Distribution
Friday & sat 13th & 14th March - US Drama Play 'Unwrapped'
Sunday 15th March BIS Fun Run
Friday 20th House Competition & 11.30 early dismissal
21st - Ji Ho's 11th birthday

Wow, isn't the time flying?!Before we know it, it'll be Easter.

Important Dates
February 16 - Fidelia's Birthday - YAY!
February 17, 18, 19 - LS Performing Arts Assembly Rehearsals
February 18 - LS Inter House Dodge Ball Competition
February 20 - LS Performing Arts Assembly
February 27th - Professional Devleopment Day - NO SCHOOL!


Welcome Back and a very Happy New Year! We have lots of exciting things happening at school to look foreard to. Let's hope the rain doesn't give us too many problems!

Important Dates

January 16th - Newsletter Distribution
January 20th - PAFA Meeting in Library 8am.
Jnauary 22nd - PAFA Chinese New year Bake Sale 5B, 5R, 6B
January 23rd - PAFA Lion Dance
January 26th - Chinese New Year Holiday - No School!
January 30th - LS Vacation Slideshow & newsletter Distribution

Warm wishes for a wonderfully merry Christmas and a relaxing and peaceful holiday!

Important Dates
December 12th - Holiday Sing-along Assembly 10am
December 17th - Fine arts Evening 7pm
December 19th – Whole School House Aquatic Festival
December 19th –Half day: school finishes at 11.30pm for Christmas Vacation
January 12th – School resumes

November 21st
Well done to all the students who won awards at the LS awards assembly. Only four weeks left of school now – Christmas will be here before we know it! Enjoy reading the reports that go out today. Your children deserve to be congratulated on their accomplishments.
Important Dates

November 21st - LS Awards Assembly & Pizza Party
November 24th – PAFA Meeting 8.30am Library
November 25th to 28th – Book Fair & Order Club
November 25th – Mrs. Beck’s Birthday!!
November 28th - LS Performing Arts Show
December 12th – LS Holiday Sing-along

November is a very busy month. Trimester 1 ends on Friday November 14th. Time is flying by!
I hope to see many parents at the various concerts and assemblies we have planned.

Important Dates
November 5th is the UN Fine Arts performance 7pm
November 6th UN Day Assembly 8am & PAFA Food Display
November 7th - No School (Report Card Writing)
November 14th - LS Drama Production Assembly

24th - A huge thank you to Mrs. Dadlani for volunteering to be our class Mum! Yay!
21st - Thanks to all the parents who came to parent conferences last week - it was wonderful to meet with you all and share with you the accomplishments of your children. Don't forget upcoming events:
Friday 24th October it's the October Birthday party;
Friday 31st the Halloween dress up, assembly and trick or treat;
November 5th is the UN Fine Arts performance.

6th - Welcome back to school! Don't forget that there are parent conferences on October 15th & 16th and that on both these days, your child will be going home early at 12 noon.

26th - I hope you all have a safe, wonderful and relaxing Idul Fitri holiday! See you in a week's time.

22nd - This Friday 25th September, all lower school students will be taking part in a 'Knowledge Bowl' House trivia quiz. Good luck to everyone! Don't forget that it is an early finishing day - students leave at 11.30am.

A big thank you to all the parents who came to 'Open House' last week. It was wonderful meeting you all.

29th - Parents, don't forget that there is an 'Open House' night on September 4th from 7:00 to 9:30. It will be a wonderful opportunity to meet with you all, if you are able to come. See you then!

26th - This coming Friday 29th, there will be a school-wide House sports competition for most of the day. Parents are all invited to come and watch and cheer and lunch will be provided by the PAFA. It would be gerat to see all you parents there!

19th - Welcome to Grade 5B's website! I hope this will be a great way for keeping the lines of communication open between student, teacher and parents! Let me know if you have any great ideas for improvements.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Happy Birthday, Jin Hee!

Yay! It's Jin Hee's birthday today!
Here's hoping
you have a wonderful day, Jin Hee!

Saengil chukha hamnida!

(Is that right?!)

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 7 October 2008

Investigating Cultures of The World!

Today, if you had happened to have been walking past 5B's classroom, you would have heard a cacophony of sounds: The beating drums from African Tribal music, or the bass strange noises from the Didgeridoo, amid a variety of phrases being said aloud in languages such as Finnish, Swahili or Arabic and on top of all that, squeals from students who were trying new and very weird (to them) foods!

No, it was not the noises of an asylum, but from a very productive and fun lesson on a discovery of different cultures as part of our 'Caravans' unit.

The three teams were competing at various activities in order to work out what countries different pieces of music, samples of food and languages came from.

This work is the first in a project that the students will be producing in order to design an International Food Court for a local imaginary mall. Students will be designing the restaurants, the decor, the menus and any other areas they feel necessary to make their food courts the best!
At the moment, it can honestly be said that Social Studies is the students' most enjoyable lessons of the week.

At the moment, 'The World Conquerors' have made the most money on their adventures, 'The Mighty Shark Fins' have visited the most cities in the world and 'The US Marine Adventurers' who have been rather unlucky of late with their 'fate cards', are working really hard to stack up their money piles and move across the globe!

Keep watching for more updates on 'Caravans'.

Below are some photos of our special lesson!

Fidelia is hesitant to try the guacamole, Gaby sticks to the tortilla chips, Hee Won very studiously writes down his results, whilst David giggles at his English Fudge!

Jonathan tries, unsuccessfully, it looks, to persuade the others to have a try of the rice dish! Giomino was so good at trying everything - even if he did have to spit out the vegemite sandwich!

The great puzzle of where to place the last few phrases - is this Danish? Finnish? German? ...or maybe it's Tagalog!

Lennart trying to stop Jin Hee from eating all the tortilla chips - "We have to try EVERYTHING...not just the nice things!"

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Happy Birthday David!

A couple of days late, but
David turned10 years old on the 5th October!
Hope you had a great day, David!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Sunday 5 October 2008

Food Allergies

Monday October 6th

Dear 5B Parents,
Tomorrow (Tuesday 7th October), as part of our Social Studies ‘Caravans’ unit, our class will be taking part in a ‘Cultures of The World’ lesson. This lesson will consist of students learning about different languages of the world, music from around the world and food from around the world.

The students will be introduced to some different foods to look at, taste, discuss and then they will write about their experiences.

Would you be kind enough to alert me to any food allergies your child might have? I have made sure that there are no major food allergens in the samples (i.e. eggs, peanuts, strawberries) but would like to make sure that your child is as safe as possible so would really appreciate you sending back the form your child will hand to you. You can email me also, if this is preferable.
Thank you very much,
Kathryn Beck