The Stars Of Tomorrow!

The Stars Of Tomorrow!


A very warm welcome to Grade 5B's class on the web!
We hope you enjoy your visit. This site has been designed to help keep families updated on our accomplishments throughout the year, as well as share important information about our classroom. We love to hear from our visitors, so it would be great if you would leave comments. If you have questions or you need to contact me, please email me at
Be sure to check in often as we will try to update it weekly.

Monday 28 September 2009

Weekly Preview: Week Beginning Monday 28th September

5B Week At A Peek

Week Beginning Monday 28th September


Chapter 4: Add + Sub Decimals

  • Round Decimals
  • Est. Decimal Sum + Differences
  • Add + Sub Decimals
  • Zeros in Subtraction
  • Problem Solving Skills


Novel Study: Maniac Magee

Chapters 16 - 21

  • Compare and Contrast Characters
  • Fictional+ Non-fictional
  • Realistic Events
  • Super heroic events

Wonders – A Journey Round the World

Read Animal Wonders

  • The Lemming
  • The Condor
  • The Locust
  • Chimpanzee
  • Read Dr Doolittle story


· Maniac Magee: Social Norms and aberrations

· Legends, legacy, Tall Tales


Unit 2 Nouns

  • Singular & Plural Nouns
  • More plural Nouns
  • Singular Possessive Nouns
  • Plural Possessive Nouns


The Writing Process Workshop

Unit 8 Writing a Personal Narrative

  • Writing with Voice
  • Good endings
  • Revising A Personal Narrative

Explorer/Adventure Narrative

o Writing an Adventure narrative

o Complete with a successful ending

Non-Fiction Report

Travel Brochure

(Linked to Caravans)

Wonders – A Journey Round the World

Animal Wonders Activities

  • Classification - Select an unusual animal (i.e. the colugo, emu, okapi, and wombat) and investigate them and prepare a brief report about their characteristics, habitat, food source and country.
  • Communication - Explain methods of communicating with all living creatures (Dr. Doolittle). List how these are similar to scientists working with chimpanzees today.

Social Studies

Geography – Map Skills

  • Map Skills Continued: What A Crowd; Reading The Picts; population Statistics Map; Keeping Tabs; Bursting At The Seams; Aloha, Green Acres; Give Me The Picture; For Land’s Sake!


· ‘Caravans’ Simulation Country Research & Oral Reports new countries (Senegal, Hungry, Italy)


· Morning Meeting – Each day 7.45am – 8.15am

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Thursday 10 September 2009

Oodles of fun at Snow Bay!

Today, 5B, 4SJ, 4C and 2C went on a fieldtrip to 'Snow Bay Waterpark' at Taman Mini Complex as a 'Get to Know You' community fun day out.
And fun we did have!
We fought through wave pools, floated on the lazy typhoon rivers, were scared silly on the toilet flush slides (eeeek!) and thrown all over the place on the fast slide flumes (Mrs Skiman Jones and I were tossed upside down and wrong side up on this ride - not a pretty sight!).
Poor Mei Lin missed our trip as she was poorly - we missed YOU, Mei Lin! Get better soon!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Friday 4 September 2009

Weekly Preview: Week Beginning Monday 7th September

5B Week At A Peek

Week Beginning Monday 7th September

Unit 1: Whole Numbers & Decimals
Chap. 2:
· Compare & Order Decimals
Chapter 1 & 2 Test
Chap. 3:
· Round Whole Numbers
· Estimating Sums & Differences
· Add & Subtract Whole Numbers

· DRA Reading Testing Continues
· Independent Reading
· Class Novel – Manic Magee –Chapter 1 – 7 Activities

Unit 2:
Nouns – What is a Noun?;
Common & proper Nouns;
Revising Strategies: Sentence Fluency & Writing with Nouns

Activities linked to ‘Manic Magee’ Lessons: Challenging Assumptions; Linking to Today: Racial Prejudice.
· Completing ‘I Am’ poems
· ‘The Person I Admire Most’ report writing compositions

Social Studies
Map Skills Continued:
Straight Lines in South America;
American Waterfalls;
Guatemalan Search;
American Squares;
Oh, Balderdash!;
Canadian Style Coordinates.
Caravans’ Simulation
Country Research & Oral Reports – (Rwanda, Austria & Yemen)

· Morning Meeting – Each day 7.45am – 8.15am
· Vacation Slide Show Assembly: September 11th 10:30am

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Tuesday 1 September 2009

Trivia Of The Week 24/08/09

Trivia Of The Week
24th August 2009
Answers next week!

1) What do 'The Big Dipper' 'Orion' and 'Hercules' have in common?

2) From which countries are the following foods seen in local menus?
a) Paneer
b) Burrito
c) Sashimi

3) Name four of Michael Jackson's siblings.

4) Where in the body would you find the following?
a) Insulin
b) Hammer
c) Epiglottis

5) Give an example of each of the follwing:
a) A homophone
b) A similie
c) A palindrome

Answers to last week's Trivia (18/08/09)

1)a) Italy b)Iceland c) Kenya 2) The Sound Of Music 3) a) C.S. Lewis b) J.K. Rowling c) Jim Bennet 4) a) Susilo Bambang YUDHOYONO b) Gordon Brown c) Barrak Obama

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown