The Stars Of Tomorrow!

The Stars Of Tomorrow!


A very warm welcome to Grade 5B's class on the web!
We hope you enjoy your visit. This site has been designed to help keep families updated on our accomplishments throughout the year, as well as share important information about our classroom. We love to hear from our visitors, so it would be great if you would leave comments. If you have questions or you need to contact me, please email me at
Be sure to check in often as we will try to update it weekly.

Saturday 5 December 2009

Fun with Ceramics

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Our Fieldtrip to the Art Museum

We had a fabulous day out on Thursday, to the Llang Llang Art Museum in the south of the city. Students had a fun-filled day of activities planned: Kite designing, making and painting; batik making and ceramics. Plus a MacDonald's lunch! We don't have a MacDonald's up here in the North, so it was a real treat for many of the students!
Students came home with two self-created beautiful kites each, and we have to wait a week for their ceramics and batik samples to be delivered.
We had so much fun!

When we arrived back at school, 5B were so excited by their kites that I let them run wild in the playground to see if they could get them to fly. It was brilliant!

Thanks, Mrs. Mitchell for organising our special day out.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

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Growing Plants with Acid Rain

Our Science unit this semester has been 'Pollution'. We have learned all about Land, Air, Water, Noise & Light Pollution and the consequences each of the forms have on our planet. Students have been so excited, as every lesson I've tried to incorporate a practical experiment or investigation for them to work on. The photos above are of our experiment that has continued over 10 days. Each group planted grass seeds in 3 tubs of soil. Then, watered one tub with tap water, of pH 7, one tub with full acid water and one tub of water with 1/2 tap water and 1/2 Acid water.
The effects can be seen above. The first one is obviously the tap water. The middle one is the acid water.
So, acid rain has a frightening effect on our planet - not only can it dissolve buildings, statues etc, it has a ghastly effect on the rate of growth and quality of our plant life.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Happy Birthday Thara & Kay-Li!

We had two birthdays this month as December came to be; Kay-Li celebrated hers on the 1st and then on the 2nd, it was Thara's special day. Thara's mum and dad kindly brought a birthday cake in for everyone to share. Above are some cute photos of Thara's celebration.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Reading Groups

We have started levelled reading groups as part of our reading programme, and 5B students now spend every other morning reading and discussing novels within their gorups. Eagh group is reading a different novel, and students are working hard at confidence building, speech, discussion and reflection skills.
Students can choose to sit anywhere they like in their groups; hence one group who have chosen to sit under their work-tables!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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