The Stars Of Tomorrow!

The Stars Of Tomorrow!


A very warm welcome to Grade 5B's class on the web!
We hope you enjoy your visit. This site has been designed to help keep families updated on our accomplishments throughout the year, as well as share important information about our classroom. We love to hear from our visitors, so it would be great if you would leave comments. If you have questions or you need to contact me, please email me at
Be sure to check in often as we will try to update it weekly.

Thursday 30 April 2009

Weekly Preview Week Beginning: April 27th 2009

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: April 27th 2009

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Chapters 21 - 25
Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Characterization and irony
Resistance & courage
Diamante Poems
Opinion Essay on Marriage: What age should you get married?

Fairytales & Myths
Write own Galactic Fairytale
Assembly Preparation

Dragon Claw Castle internet game

Chap. 15: Number Theory Continued
Chapter 15.5 – Prime & Composite Numbers
Chapter 15.6 - Introduction to Exponents
Chapter 15.7 - Evaluate Expressions with Exponents
Chapter 15.8 - Exponents & Prime Factors
Chap. 16:Fraction Concepts
Chapter 16.1 - Relate decimals to fractions

Galaxies & Space

The Journey To Space
Rocket Science: Gravity & Friction
Space Milestones
Space Probes
Space Shuttles

Know the code
Many Milestones
Poster: What a Voyager!
Message in a Space probe
Rockets: Who Will Finish First?
My Shuttle Mission

Vocabulary: Ella (2)
Vocabulary Galaxies & Space

Fun / Social
May 1st – 5B Assembly

Weekly Preview Week Beginning: April 20th 2009

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: April 20th 2009

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Chapters 16 - 20
Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Characterization and irony
Resistance & courage

Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales
Assembly Preparation

Dragon Claw Castle internet game

Unit 4 : Divide Whole Numbers & Decimals
Unit 4: Review Concepts
Chap. 15: Number Theory
· Chapter 15.1 - Divisibility Vocabulary
· Chapter 15.2 - Multiples & least common factors
· Chapter 15.3 - Greatest common factor
· Chapter 15.4 – Problem Solving Skill – Identify Relationships

Galaxies & Space
Galaxy & Space
What’s Out In Space
The Moon, The Planets, The Sun, Starry Starry Nights

Sun Strength
Sun Strength – Hot How Is It?
How the Stars Came to Be
Vocabulary: Ella (2)
Vocabulary Galaxies & Space

Fun / Social
April 22nd – Earth Day Assembly

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Thursday 23 April 2009

Students Use Quills & Scrolls in Ella Enchanted

As part of our Ella Enchanted novel work, students tried their hands at staining paper using tea and coffee; burning the edges of the paper to make it more 'aged' and then, using quills (kebab sticks) and ink pots, the students had a go at writing a letter on their scrolls the old fashioned way!
You should have heard the complaints!
"It's too hard!";
"The scratching noise is stressing me out!";
"I have to re-dip the quill every single letter!";
"I'm making such a mess - the ink is blotting everywhere!";
"I'm never going to finish!"

Well, the students did finish eventually, and I really think they got a sense of just how lucky they are to have the pens they have today! Students actually produced some very beautiful scrolls, all letters as if they were Ella herself, to the very clumsy and air-headed fairy, Lucinda, in order to beseech her to remove the curse of obedience from her soul.

We completed the activity by sealing the scrolls in the traditional way with melted candle wax (which we had to do outside as we were scared we would set the fire alarms off!) and coins for the imprints on the seals.
I will attach a photo of the final results tomorrow.

I do hope the students will remember this lesson. I think they learnt a lot!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Badak House Wearable Arts

I know this isn't officially a 5B effort, but I was so proud of Da Sol who had the courage to dress up in the Alternative Princess Wedding Dress to add comedy value to Badak House's Wearable Arts Recycling Competition.
You are very brave and much appreciated! Badak, you did a GREAT job!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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5B Welcome Guests with the Gamelan

Wow! The whole of 5B performed flawlessly, a beautiful piece of Gamelan orchestra music to welcome all the school community to our closing Assembly. Your timing was superb and you were so in sync with each other! Great!
You guys are AMAZING!!!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Indonesian Celebration

Well done to all the 5B girls who very elegantly displayed their Indonesian dancing skills at our Closing Multi-Cultural Week Assembly - the theme being Indonesia.
I cannot get over what a talented class I have! Have a little look at the video clip below.

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Wednesday 15 April 2009

Cultural Show

Today we were invited to watch a Chinese Cultural Show. There were three wonderful musicians, playing traditional Chinese instruments and some of our upper school students wowed us with their Fashion show and singing. Thank you!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Pizza Party

5B enjoying their VERY well deserved Pizza Party kindly provided by the Community Service Department. 5B have been considered the most generous of the whole lower school as they donated the most food in our food drive for the orphans of Kelapa Gading and also had the highest percentage of attendees at the Family Fun Run last week.
Very well done, 5B. I'm so proud of you!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Multicultural Food Bazaar

Yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyyyy! Huge thank you should go to the Languages department at school for organising such a wonderful event and for the parents for supplying the incredibly yummy food! I am secretly glad that there were no frogs' legs or snails on the French table to taste!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Tuesday 14 April 2009

Weekly Preview: Week Beginning: April 13th 2009

Just a snap or teo of 5B enjoying the Easter Egg Hunt that the Student Council arranged last week.

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: April 13th 2009

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Chapters 12 - 15
Character sketch Ella, Char, Hattie
Ella’s rebellion, the Middle Ages,
foreshadowing, cliffhanger, conflict, and metaphor

Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Chapters 14 - 21
Characterization and irony
Resistance & courage

Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales Assembly Preparation

Dragon Claw Castle internet game
Fairy Tale Unit
Explore elements of fairytales
Find commonalities

Unit 4 : Divide Whole Numbers & Decimals
Unit 4: Review Concepts
Chap. 15: Number Theory
· Chapter 15.1 - Divisibility Vocabulary
· Chapter 15.2 - Multiples & least common factors
· Chapter 15.3 - Greatest common factor
· Chapter 15.4 – Problem Solving Skill – Identify Relationships

Galaxy & Space
What’s Out In Space
The moon, The Planets, The Sun, Starry Starry Nights
Fun With Phases using oranges/foam balls
Scale of The Solar System
Planet Trivia
Invent An Alien
Sun Strength
Sun Strength – Hot How Is It?
How the Stars Came to Be

Vocabulary: Ella (2)
Vocabulary Galaxies & Space

Fun / Social
April 13th – 17th International Language Week.
April 13th – French Day
April 15th – Chinese Day
April 17th – Indonesian Day
April 17-19 Bali IISSAC Swimming & X Country

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Monday 13 April 2009

Bonjour! Salut!

Today as the first day of our 'Multicultural Week', it was 'Dress French Day'.
Just take a look at the splash of red, white and blue! Da Sol even came into school with a baguette!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Sewing Class!

Whilst reading our class novel, "Ella Enchanted", I was surprised to discover that only two out of the 16 students in the class had ever tried their hand at sewing before. As the novel is set in Medieval Times, with some emphasis on Medieval tapestries, magical rugs, as well as Ella having to learn embroidery, I thought I should get the students learning how to sew!
I was soooooo impressed with their first efforts! We didn't use material, or needles, but I hole-punched hundreds of holes in paper, gave them a choice of coloured yarns, showed them how to 'thread' a paperclip and then set them off designing their own creation!
I think Da Sol's palm tree, Michelle's Glass Slipper and Jaya's steam boat deserve an honourable mention - they are particularly good for first timers!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Recreating Moon Craters

Recreate the cratered surface of the Moon!
Last week, students, as part of their new Science Unit 'Space & Our Solar System', tried their hand at creating their own craters on the moon. This experiment was just the perfect way to enjoy learning about the moon. The students loved donning their goggles and getting down and dirty…

Background to the experiment
Impact craters can be found on all planets and moons in the Solar System that have a solid surface. They are formed when asteroids or comets slam into the planet’s surface at super-high speeds. Look at the Moon and you will see that its surface is covered in impact craters. You may notice that some craters have bright rays surrounding them. These are made of brighter material thrown out from the crater as a result of the impact. You can recreate the surface of the Moon and some of its impact craters with this experiment.

What You Need
You will need:
A baking dish
A bag of flour
Some chocolate/nutmeg powder
balls of different weights/sizes/shapes. (We used clay balls, marbles and ping pong balls!)

The experiment
Fill up your baking dish with white flour and sprinkle over the top a thin layer of chocolate/nutmeg powder. Don’t worry about sieving it or making it completely level – the Moon has lots of lumps and bumps too.
Now here comes the fun part. Take your asteroids (balls) and one by one throw them into your pretend lunar surface. Try dropping them from different heights, with varying amounts of force and at different angles. You should see that for larger or more violent impact events the white flour is thrown out of the crater as ejecta rays, just like the ones you can see on the Moon.
Don’t forget to tidy up afterwards!

Extension Work
Crater sizes
Measure the craters produced in the the flour for the same sized asteroids, but dropped from different heights. Plot a graph of crater diameter versus height.
Measure the craters for different sized asteroids dropped from the same height and plot a graph of asteroid diameter versus crater diameter. How do the results of this experiment compare?

Now look at how deep the craters are. Does the depth change with the size of asteroid or the height from which it is dropped from?
You should see that larger asteroids make larger craters, as do ones dropped from greater heights, as they have more energy. For planetary sized craters the relationship is not so simple, because the gravity of the planet (or moon!) plays an important role in determining the shape of the final crater, as does the strength of the material that is being impacted into. Have a look at pictures of other craters on different planets and see the wide variety of shapes of sizes that can be made!

Crater ages
In this experiment you will learn how the amount of craters on a planetary surface can tell us how old a surface is. First of all, smooth out a new tray of flour. Make loads of different sized craters in the flour so that the whole surface is covered. Now, smooth out half of the tray. Throw some more craters into the tray, covering both the ‘old’ and ‘new’ surfaces. Compare the surfaces. You should see that one half, the old half, has many more craters than the ‘new’ half. On the Moon, we know that the ancient highlands are a lot older than the dark mare regions because they have a lot more craters on them. The mare are made up volcanic basalt that erupted to the surface after many of the lunar impact craters had already formed, therefore there was less time for it to get cratered so we know it is younger than more heavily cratered regions.

Ideas taken from
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Monday 6 April 2009

Weekly Preview Week Beginning: April 6th 2009

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: April 6th 2009

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Chapters 7 - 13

Character sketch Ella, Char, Hattie
Ella’s rebellion, the Middle Ages,
foreshadowing, cliffhanger, conflict, and metaphor

Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales

Ella Enchanted Chapters 7 - 13
Design and make medieval banners/ tapestries
Research Medieval armor
Making antique scrolls

Fairy Tale Unit
Begin writing process to compose fairytales

Assembly Preparation
Dragon Claw Castle internet game
Fairy Tale Unit
Explore elements of fairytales
Find commonalities

Unit 4 : Divide Whole Numbers & Decimals
Unit 4: Review Concepts
· Divide by 1-digit divisors
· Divide by 2-digit divisors
· Divide decimals by whole numbers
Divide decimals by decimals

Galaxy & Space
What’s Out In Space
The moon, The Planets, The Sun, Starry Starry Nights
Fun With Phases using oranges
Create Craters
Scale of The Solar System
Planet Trivia
Invent An Alien
Sun Strength
Film Canister Constellations
Sun Strength – Hot How Is It?
How the Stars Came to Be

Vocabulary: Ella (2)
Vocabulary Galaxies & Space

Fun / Social
April 9 No School: Election Day
April 10 No School: Good Friday
“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Weekly Preview Week Beginning: March 30th 2009

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: March 30th 2009

Novel Study: Ella Enchanted
Pre-reading: read various Cinderella stories (compare & contrast)
Elements of fairytales
Explore idea of obedience
Chapters 1 – 3 & 4 - 6
· Resistance & courage: Ella
· Foreshadowing, cliffhanger
· Elements of conflict

Fairytales & Myths
Read a selection of fairytales

Ella Enchanted Chapters 1 – 3 & 4 - 6
Design a map of the settings
Create Castles – (castle cakes, cardboard castles)
Design necklaces
Dragon Claw Castle internet game
Fairy Tale Unit
Explore elements of fairytales
Find commonalities

Unit 4 : Divide Whole Numbers & Decimals
Chapter 13 continued:
Divide to Change a Fraction to a Decimal
Chapter 13 Assessment
Chapter 14:
Divide Decimals By Decimals
Decimal Division
Problem solving: Choose the Operation

Social Studies
Civil Rights and the Power of Non-Violence
Watch Gandhi movie
Discuss Gandhi’s power of Non Violence strategies.
Hold a non violent protest.
India,: Gandhi
· British Imperialism
· Gandhi’s life & beliefs
· Vocabulary
MLKJ & Gandhi Unit test

Civil Rights & Ella Enchanted Vocab

Fun / Social
Friday April 3rd – 5R Assembly
Saturday April 4 - Fun Run

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Weekly Preview Week Beginning: March 16th 2009

A Preview of the Week

Week Beginning: March 16th 2009

Novel Study: Holes
Holes Summarizing & extra Credit Project

Novel Study: Biography Martin Luther King ‘I have A Dream’
· Laws and principals
· Personal convictions
· Resistance to injustice
· Freedom of assembly

Kindergarten Buddies
Students to read to Kindergarten students once per week.

Holes Related Work
Holes Extra Credit Activities
St Patrick’s Day Activities
Limericks, leprechauns, Spelling Bee Shamrocks
Poster Competition
For Fun Fair

Unit 4 : Divide Whole Numbers & Decimals
Chapter 13 continued:
Divide to Change a Fraction to a Decimal
Chapter 13 Assessment

Social Studies
Civil Rights and the Power of Non-Violence
Watch Gandhi
Discuss Gandhi’s power of Non Violence strategies.
Hold a non violent protest.

Civil Rights Vocab

Fun / Social
Tuesday 17th – St Patrick’s Day
Friday 20th – House Competition
Friday 20th – Early dismissal 11.30am

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown

Wednesday 1 April 2009

Listening to 'A Wrinkle In Time'

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Sugar Fest!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Proud of their Creations

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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Ella Enchanted Cakes - The Prep!

As part of an introduction to our new class novel - "Ella Enchanted" by Gail Carson Levine, the students took on the role of chefs and created amazingly colourful (and very sugary sweet!) castle cakes. The book is set in Medieval times and so after researching castles and all things enchanted, I thought this would be a really fun activity to do, as well as a yummy treat to end the day with!

Ella Enchanted is an exciting and thrilling novel about Ella of Frell, a cursed girl at birth that has to obey every single command that she receives. It is a similar, but more gripping story than the old fairy tale of Cinderella.
Ella thrives in adventures with ogres, gnomes, elves, her wicked family, and Lucinda the fairy, who laid the curse of obedience on her in the first place. Overcoming all the hard tasks, she manages to break and lift her curse once and for all. She finally finds the blessing in the simple key of true love.

Above are collages of the students hard at work, their wonderful creations and then a great photo of the kids eating their castles whilst being read aloud to by our wonderful Headmaster, Mr. Cook! What a fun day we had!

“Shoot for the moon! Even if you miss you will land among the stars!”-Les Brown
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